Here are two new videos from Richard Drake’s YouTube channel from an interview conducted in April with Daniel Shumway. Both are related to Charles Austin…
Controversy about Charles Austin Beard began in 1913 when he published An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States. He turned thirty-nine that…
Charles Austin Beard’s “Giddy Minds and Foreign Quarrels,” excerpted in the July 2022 “From the Archive” column of Harper’s, originally appeared in the magazine’s September…
This article appeared in Counterpunch on May 18, 2022. Richard raises a question about the Ukraine war unasked in media accounts. To what extent is…
Charles A. Beard was an historian; Robinson Jeffers a poet. They never met or corresponded, and only once referred to each other in print. Yet…
I became interested in the work of Robinson Jeffers (1887-1962) while doing research for a book on the life of the American historian Charles Austin…
Here is a link for information about The Journal of American History review of Charles Austin Beard: The Return of the Master Historian of American Imperialism. The full review…
Richard was recently interviewed by J.G. Michael, host of the Parallax Views Podcast on the subject of Charles Austin Beard. The title of the episode is Reevaluating…